
Black Women you should know

Jane Bolin
( April 11, 1908- January 8, 2007)
Judge, Lawyer
Graduated from Yale Law School
1st black female judge in U.S. 
Marian Wright Edelman
( June 6, 1939)
Civil Rights Activist, Writer, Lawyer 
" Never work just for or for power. They won't
save your soul or help you sleep at night" 
Myrlie Evers
( March 17, 1933)
Civil Rights Activist, Journalist 
"Jim Crow is alive and it's dressed in a Brooks 
Brothers suit, my friend, instead of a white robe"
Barbara Jordan
( February 21, 1936- January 17, 1996)
Civil Rights Activist, U.S. Representative
"We must exchange the philosophy of excuse- what I am 
is beyond my control for the philosophy of responsibility"
Florynce Kennedy
( February 11, 1916- December 22, 2000)
Civil Rights Activist, Lawyer, Politician
 "I never stop to wonder why I'm not like other people.
The mystery is why more people aren't like me" 
Mary McLeod Bethune
( July 10, 1875- May 8, 1955)
Civil Rights Activist, Educator
"The whole world opened to me when I learned to read.
Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond 
in the rough. The true worth of a race must be measured by
the character of its womanhood."
Sally Hemings 
( 1773- 1835)
Was an enslaved black woman who's believed to have had
several children with the United States president Thomas Jefferson
Ruby Bridges
(September 8, 1954)
Civil Rights Activist
"Racism is a grown-up disease and we
should stop using or kids to spread it"
Shirley Chisholm
( November 30, 1924- January 1, 2005)
U.S. Representative 
"You don't make progress by standing on the 
sidelines, whimpering and complaining. 
You make progress by implementing ideas."
Dorothy Height 
( March 24, 1912- April 20, 2010)
Civil Rights & Women's Rights Activist
"Greatness is not measures by what a man or women accomplishes,
but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals"

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DISTANCE IS OKAY!!! I  have been going through a lot - mainly  finding myself again and managing all my relationships (family, gi...