
No One Likes Me


We've had them moments where we've told 
 friends "no one likes me", and our friends look at us like 😑😒 and 

just shake their heads. LOL I know my friends got tried of me. 
It was like an every day 
thing for me. But at the time I just couldn't understand why.
In reality I wasn't looking to be liked by my peers, but by myself.

It took me to have a complete shut down for me to comprehend, why 
I FELT the need to be liked. Everyone in my daily encounters already liked me. 
So what was the big issues? Truth be told I wasn't happy with the person I was. I
  thought that I need to fit in and be something that I wasn't. In the end 
I didn't need to act or have certain things to be around these special individuals. 
These individuals accepted me for who I was and nothing less then that. 

Don't be something your not, trying to gain attention of others. When we as humans try to grab that attention of others we lead the toxic right into our lives. 
Everyone we come in contact with is not for us, cause if that was true, then the world would be in a better place.

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